Building girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place

What Girls Learn


Girls Can Do Great Things

The cookie program is more than a fundraiser. It helps girls do great things! In addition to funding girls' community projects, selling helps budding entrepreneurs develop life skills they use both now and in the future such as:



Why do they matter?

Because when your Girl Scout has learned these skills, she’ll be poised for success in her career.  Think about it: When employers interview job candidates, they all look for the same things. This is true whether the employer is a bank, high-tech company, university, hospital, publishing house, car dealership, accounting firm - or even the local pet store!


They want:

Someone who can set goals and meet deadlines.

Blowing a deadline can mean blowing a deal!


Someone who works well with others.
Who wants to deal with strife and complaining in the workplace? Not the boss!

Someone who understands customers.
It doesn’t matter whether the “customers” are hospital patients, TV viewers, or other companies—every business has to know its customers and what they want.

Someone who can influence others.
This doesn’t just mean selling a product. Employers want people who can sell ideas, pitch projects and convince other employees to help out. OR sell ideas, pitch projects and make deals.

Someone who is honest, trustworthy and reliable.

Kind of goes without saying—or it should!
Sound like anyone you know?

That’s a Girl Scout, using the 5 Skills she learned in the Girl Scout Cookie Program.