Public Programs


Living Leadership - In partnership with Hawaii Business Magazine and Macy’s, Living Leadership engages business and community leaders to help girls of high school and college ages to develop a stronger understanding of leadership. Designed to incorporate a concept central to any Girl Scout experience - girl/adult partnerships - this interactive, multi-generational forum reinforces the crucial role adults play in guiding and inspiring girls to grow and achieve great things.

Scouting for the Cure – Hawai’i’s Girl Scouts are putting up a fight – against breast cancer! As one of the most widespread form of cancer among women, Girl Scouts of Hawai`i recognizes that breast cancer affects not only the patient, but the patient's family as well. That’s why Girl Scouts of Hawai`i and the Hawaii Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation are joining forces to raise awareness for this pervasive disease.

Scouting for the Cure is an opportunity for all of Hawai`i’s girls to receive essential information on prevention, treatment, and current research advancements through fun activities and exercises.  Girl Scouts of Hawai'i conducts these half-day educational and fun workshops at the Girl Scout Hale. The program emphasizes the need for early awareness of breast cancer, while highlighting the importance of overall health and physical well-being.

The program is open to all girls ages 5 and up. You do not need to be a Girl Scout to particpate but you must pre-register. For the dates of future workshops, see our events listings on our homepage or contact us.







Keeping Hawaii Beautiful

Adults involved with Girl Scouts provided almost 118,000 hours of volunteer services in their communities last year, valued at over $2.2 million.

Members of the Girl Scouts are active, compassionate and involved citizens within their local, national and global communities.



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